Maintenance and Management Software
...more than a software!


GLOSE is a portuguese company formed by a group of engineers with more than 30 years of experience in maintenance and facility management.

We make specialized software for the management of assets' life cycle and facilities.

The company, created in 2012, acts in all sectors of economic activity and is especially present in the Services, Industry, Healthcare and Transports areas.

Glose EAM

Glose EAM is an Asset Management platform that allows the optimization and automation of all operational management activities related to the facilities of an organization.

Through this platform it's possible to identify all the assets of an organization (buildings, equipment, vehicles, technical instalations) and manage their life cycles.

Glose EAM

Our maintenance software has three fundamental elements:

Core System

Allows the team responsible for the management and operation of the assets, to follow and plan all ongoing or planned activities, providing real-time information on the whole operation.


Work requests can be made quickly and simply (for both soft and hard services). The requester can follow the state of his request at any time.


Allows both the operating team and the service providers to receive information on new works. Shows the state of each allocated work as well as the time and date of start and conclusion, manual insertion of work hours and materials used and allows for the execution of maintenance plans (Inspections and systematic preventive).

Asset Management

  • Equipment feature form
  • Atomization of equipments in sistems and components
  • Component File
  • Interchangeability of components
  • Material by equipment
  • Preparation of work by equipment
  • Association of files to equipments in the jpg, bmp, tiff, Excel, Pdf, Word and AutoCad formats

Work Orders Management

  • Action requests
  • Request monitoring and SLA management
  • Automated SMS/Email notifications
  • WO sync between devices
  • WO cost and budget control
  • Maintenance contracts management
  • WO planning
  • Connection to Building Management, Instalations or Alarm Systems

Systematic Preventive

  • Annual Preventive Maintenance plan
  • Preventive Maintenance Management (Hours, Kms, Weeks)
  • Automated Preventive Plan generation
  • Weekly workload graphs by team
  • Linking of materials with Preventive works
  • Plan performance analysis (deviation %)
  • Weekly preventive maintenance consumption prediction

Conditioned Maintenance / Inspections

  • Weekly inspection schedule by course
  • Generation of annual WO's by equipment/inspection
  • Delayed Inspections review
  • Annual Inspection plan performance (deviation %)
  • Annual prediction of hours by sector, equipment, course and inspection type
  • ABC analysis of inspection operations
  • Notification management by inspection operation

Purchases / Stocks

  • Purchases management
  • Multi-storage stock management
  • Purchase reception requests
  • Material purchase proposal (minimum and maximum quantity / order threshold)
  • Market consultation management and comparison
  • Order approval flux by levels
  • Supplier analysis and evaluation


  • Cost analysis by tree structure (Locations)
  • Budget Control (sector, cost center, location)
  • Intervention analysis by fail cause and type
  • Labor analysis by equipment and location
  • Annual equipment statistics
  • Dashboard by sector, location and equipment
  • Energy consumption mnagement and control (electricity, water, gas)


  • Lubrication actions scheduling (weeks and counter)
  • Weekly lubrication schedule
  • Delayed lubrications report
  • Lubricant consumption prediction
  • Analysis schedule and record
  • Lubrication history analysis
  • Workload distribution by team / lubricant

Facility Management

  • Waste management (GAR guides)
  • Fluorinated gases management
  • Catering / Vending
  • Cleaning
  • Courier
  • Pest Control


  • Maintenance Costs
  • Consumption Control
  • Exploration Expenses Control
  • Tire management
  • Operational rental management
  • Fleet indicators (Cost/Km)
  • Data Import (Via Verde)

Our Partners
